Monday, June 29, 2015

June was a busy month...

I've been dealing with the usual illness' as well as finally having my knee surgery on June 11. The recovery has been harder then I expected! Of course any time I'm ill or dealing with recovery it's harder then I think it will be. I used to jump back so much quicker! This getting older sucks lol!!!

So this last week SCOTUS ruled 5-4 in favor of it being a legal right for anyone to marry, both straight people as well as gay people. As a Lutheran I have been taught that this is wrong, this is against what God wants.

Here is my problem, I'm not gay, never will be. I am attracted to men, tall dark and handsome. I am attracted to their eyes, to their personality, to the way they treat other people, all other people. I can't force anyone to be attracted to what I am attracted to. I can't imagine if things were flipped and I was told it was wrong for me to be attracted to who I am attracted to. If I had been told it was both illegal and immoral for me to have married my David. And yet as a Christian this is how I am supposed to feel and what I am supposed say about gay marriage. As a human being I just can't do that.

I can't tell how others to live their lives, especially non-Christians. I just can't do it. I don't have to live your life, you don't have to live mine. But we do all have to share this earth with each other. Wouldn't it be a better earth if we treated each other how we want to be treated? With dignity, respect, and compassion? I have no clue if I am leading the life God wants me to live. I can only do what I feel is right, follow my heart knowing I am imperfect and God still loves me. That God sent his son to die for me sins. That because of this no matter how much I screw up this life, I still get to be with my God in heaven when my days on this earth have expired.

Love thy neighbor! That means all of them! Gays, straights, Muslims, Hindu, Wiccan, atheists, agnostics, whites, blacks, Asians, Hispanics, young, old, and so on. When I pray for others, I don't list this group or that group. I pray that God is with everyone, that he is loving to all, and that if they want to choose him they do. But if they don't I will still pray for them, because I care. I want everyone to be happy, okay more some then others.

I hate how divisive this country is, how it has just gotten worse and worse the past what 20 years or so. There are good and bad in all groups, we can't judge one because of the actions of another, yet we do. We claim as Christians to be Gods children, to want only what is good and holy for all. Yet we don't practice what we preach. We don't have open minds and worse yet we don't have open hearts. I wonder, if Jesus walked the earth today what would he have to say about all of this?

I may be wrong, I may be right. Problem is I won't know until I'm dead, and by then it will be too late to help the people still struggling through life here on earth.