Thursday, March 30, 2017

I'm happy!

I got together with a guy the other day. I met him online. He is already fulfilling a space in my life that has always been missing. Something even David wasn't able to give me. And I don't even feel guilty about it. I am choosing to allow myself to be happy, and if that takes me down yet another path then so be it. I have to allow myself to be happy. No one is going to give it to me, I have to take it. Life is short and yolk and all that. He's a nice guy, and we have mutual interests and we are already forming a friendship that no matter what I hope to have forever. I didn't realize how much I missed having a male friend until I started texting him. Then after meeting him, well I knew I was unhappy but didn't realize just how unhappy I've really been. Don't let anyone put barriers between you and being happy, unless what makes you happy is illegal, then there should always be barriers lol!! Did I mention that I'm happy? :D