Thursday, March 19, 2015

Day 10, "We have found the Messiah." - John 1:41

Can you imagine what it was like when the disciples truly understood who Jesus was? It's like when you go to Los Angeles or New York and run into a celebrity you have always admired. Jesus was and is the ultimate super star. No one can ever be as good as he was. No one can ever do what he did. These men were so blessed to have been chosen by Jesus to learn from him. To be the ones he wanted to continue his work after he had left us. It's like the ultimate dream team!!
I have often felt I was born in the wrong time. But which time would I want to go back and live in? I have always been intrigued by the civil war era, the clothes and just the way they lived. But then I read the Little House on the Prairie books and watched the tv series. I wonder if that era would have been a good one to live in. Things seemed so much simpler back then. None of the modern technology we have today. Though I do love my internet!! But I think the ultimate time for a Christian to be able to go back and live in was the time of Jesus. To have been in his presence. I think that would have been amazing!

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