Thursday, March 26, 2015

Day 17. " now there is in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate a pool...Here a great number of disabled people used to lie." - John 5:2-3I

When Jesus was going by this pool he stopped and talked to one man who could not walk. He could not get into the pool when the bubbling stopped. They believed the first one in after the bumbling stopped would be healed. Jesus asked him if he wanted to get well. The man said yes. Then Jesus healed him by simply telling him to get up and walk.

There are a lot of sick people in our world today. Most want to get well. Others, I think, enjoy wallowing in the pain. I want to get well. I don't want this depression to win! I don't want my thyroid to continue to be out of whack. I don't want to be so fatigued I have to talk myself into getting out of bed. I want to get well! Which is why my doctor is working so hard with me, she knows I want to get better. She knows I will do what I need to get healthier.

It is a daily struggle! This depression combined with the fatigue from my hypothyroidism. It kicks me in the butt! The last two days it has been all I can do to get out of bed to go to work. But I have done it. I won't let myself have any other choice. This is God working in me, I know it is! If I didn't believe in Jesus I don't think I would have the desire to even get better. For that I do feel blessed!

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