Thursday, November 12, 2015

Writing challenge day 11

11) Your current relationship; if single, discuss that too.

I am currently a widow. I have been for just over six years. I hate it! I never thought I would get married. But then there was David. I'm not going to lie and say it was a perfect marriage, because no marriage is perfect. But at the end of the day it was as good as could be in my opinion.

I'm actually torn on wanting to be in a new relationship. Part of me desperately wants it. I am lonely, so very very lonely. But then there is the part of me that wants to protect myself from ever going through another loss like this. So do you live alone and be miserable the rest of your life? And I'm only 46, I could have another 46 years to live for all I know! Or do I open my heart up again and risk losing someone else I love that much?

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