Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Day 22. "Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." - John 8:12

Lucado talks about a woman who has committed adultery. Back then if a woman is found guilty of adultery they were stoned to death. Not the man also, just the woman. Which is a whole different peeve of mine. But anyway the church leaders tell Jesus she needs to be stoned to death. He says basically only someone who has never sinned can throw the first stone. Yea, no one in the group could throw a stone! He also told her she was forgiven and not to sin anymore. Jesus sees a sin as a sin as a sin! It is not our place to judge our fellow man. We need to work on our own lives. Can we pray for othe sinners? Of course, but I it is not our place to judge them. Only God can judge, and he is such a lving and forgiving judge. We are so lucky, cause let's face it. Some of the crap we do no other person would forgive us!

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