Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Day 23. "Then Jesus said, 'Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?'" - John 11:40I

Lucado talks about when Jesus brought Martha's brother Lazarus back to life. Now Lucado is quite elegant in what he talks about. But I am going to deviate. This was one of Jesus' biggest miracles, and I think done in preparation for him coming back to life. It would be easier for people to believe when Jesus rose again because they already knew he had brought Lazarus back to life. It all makes logical sense. I'm just glad I wasn't Martha! As much as I want my David to be alive again, I could never live through his death a second time.

I had a dream one night that he did come back to life. In the dream I wouldn't let him go to sleep because I just knew he would never wake up again. Sure enough as soon as he fell asleep I had lost him again. The pain was so much worse the second time around.

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