Saturday, March 21, 2015

Day 12. "He knows me inside and out." - John 4:39

Lucado discusses something else here. And that is fine. I want to talk about myself and how this verse makes me feel.  This is both a comfort and something to be ashamed of. He knows everything good about me, but he also knows everything bad about me. He knows the compassion I have, the empathy I have, how I try and put others before myself. He also knows my jealous bitter side, how I gossip, and every other sin I break on an almost daily basis. He knows my fears and insecurities. And here is the thing that is amazing he loves each of us anyway. He doesn't see our flaws like we do. He see's the good in is, he roots for the good in us.
Now I have always felt I wasn't worthy of that love. That I am not important enough or special enough for him to care about me. There are so many others in this world who are far more deserving then I am. And this is where that verse is supposed to come into play. Jesus loved everyone, the good and the bad. He would sit and talk to a Samaritan, who was repeatedly divorced, living with a man outside of marriage, just as easily as he would sit and talk to say a Pastor. I do find comfort in this, but I still don't believe he would ever want to sit down and talk to me. That I am worthy of him worrying about me and my life.

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