Sunday, March 22, 2015

Day 13! "And he was amazed at their lack of faith." - Mark 6:6

This verse! This devotion! This one speaks directly to me. I have such huge family issues. I am ten years younger then my oldest sister and nine years younger then my middle sister. That gap means we weren't really raised together. I want a close relationship with them, it's an internal struggle I have dealt with for most of my life. I look up to my sisters, I don't know if they realize that. See Jesus didn't have the relationship with his family that he wanted. They didn't understand who he was, what he believed in. They thought he was crazy and they were embarrassed to admit he was their brother. Now I don't think my sisters think I am crazy or are embarrassed to admit they are related to me. At least I hope not!!!
But here's the thing, Jesus had his faith family. The people who did believe what he preached to them. The ones who followed him, they became his family. They were the ones God intended to be his family. Family is not simply those you are related to by blood. They are the people who come into your life, who stand by you through thick and thin. You don't have to spend tons of time with them, you just need to love and appreciate the time you do spend with them. I am very blessed to have friends who have stood by me. Co-workers who make me feel wanted and appreciated. And yes family that include me in their lives. I have one cousin who is only 5 months older then me. He and I spent a lot of time together when we were younger. And his wife and I are really good friends. They were both there for me when I needed family. I also have a wonderful church family. These people I am talking about, I am so blessed to have each and every one of them in my life. When I am feeling down or upset I need to remind myself of this verse and how much alike Jesus and I are. He gets my pain, because he himself felt the same pain.

Definitely needed this one. And I guess this means God just spoke directly to me. And wow!!

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