Monday, March 23, 2015

Day 14 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." - Romans 12:2

When Jesus was in Capernaum, they wanted him to stay. He could have done that. He could have set up his life there and not gone on to do what God had planned for him. But Jesus being so much wiser than we are, he left Capernaum, even though there were many still unhealed, and even more who still didn't believe. He knew what he was put on this earth to do. He kept going, kept teaching more and more people throughout the world. He was perfect. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all had that much will power? If we all knew what we were put on this earth to do? I have no clue what I am here to do. I feel like a waste of space most of the time, to be honest. I have said before, I am no one special. I'm not a religious leader. I am not a teacher, I'm not a mother, or work in the law field. I work at a bank. But so I've been told God has a plan for me. I serve a purpose and odds are I will never know what it was. Not until I have died and God reveals it to me. So I have to work on my faith, trust I am where I am supposed to be. Doing what I am supposed to be doing. And just waiting for that day when I get to go to Heaven and find out what I was put on this earth for.

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