Saturday, April 4, 2015

Day 26. "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me." - John 14:1

"How did Jesus deal with his fear? He went to his father." - Max Lucado. When we are afraid or alone or sick or whatever we want out parents, and I would bet 90% of the time we want our mothers. Yet Jesus wanted his father, he couldn't see him or even touch him, but he could feel him. What a wonderful thing, to have that level of faith, of trust.

I just don't have it. When I am scared or hurting I needed physical comforting. It's the hardest part about being a widow. I no longer have my best friend here to comfort me. Everyone is all go to God he will comfort you. And I try, believe me I try. But I need the physical and because of this my relationship with God feels rocky. I know it's all on my own end. But it is so frustrating! Maybe this is like yoga where you reach that zen moment and it all makes sense. I haven't reached my zen moment where it all makes sense. I do believe in God and am so thankful for everything he has done for me. But at this point my life just still feels so very very empty!

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