Monday, April 27, 2015

Day 30 "Jesus...endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." - Hebrews 12:2

If there is anyone actually reading this, you probably thought I had abandoned this "project" of mine. But like I said in my last post I was sick. Well I'm always sick. But this was an extra dose of not so fun sickness. I had a double ear infection and throat infection. Then I ended up with the flu during that. Followed by a massive sinus infection. My face still hurts, with some ear pain and still having a sore throat. I am having an upper gi done to see why I have trouble swallowing. And I will finally be having my knee surgery from when I fell at work back in September. But I have decided to start back up right where I left off on this blog. So this is unofficially day 30, that's my story and I am sticking to it lol!

So a week and a half ago a very dear friend of mine passed away. She had been sick, but I just didn't
T think her time would come this soon. She was far more prepared for her death then I was. When I found out I lost it. At work, went to the bathroom and cried my heart out. Spent much of the next five days crying. I just miss her so much already! She was my bible study buddy! That Sunday after her death, at church her daughter gave me a cross she had marked that she wanted me to have. It has green stones in it. She knew how much I loved green and how much my faith means to me. I have never had anyone leave me something when they died. It is both wonderful and sad at the same time. Then last week on Tuesday was her funeral. Our bible study group sat together for the funeral. It seemed only right. I cried the entire funeral, and held my moms hand. Afterward our group cheated and hugged and made sure we told each other how much we love each othe. But then after that I was fine. 

Our Pastor who did the funeral, well he is just excellent at funerals. Although I have to admit I have been to very few funerals in my life. All for family and the grief or my young age made me not always pay that much attention to what was actually being said. But I listened to this one. The Pastor got choked up at the end of the first bible verse. Him showing that emotion really helped me. Then when he gave his sermon and talked about how ready Annie was to go to Heaven. I just think it has given me a peace I have never felt about anyone else's death. I will miss her until the day I die. But I am truly happy she is no longer in pain and that she is in Heaven with Jesus! I just hope she thought to find David and make sure he knows how much I miss him!!

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