Monday, April 27, 2015

Day 31 "the next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, 'Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!'" - John 1:29

What Jesus had to do. What we humans put him through! How easy it would it have been for him to say, you people are on your own! You made this mess, now you clean it up. Problem with that is, there is no way for us to correct the sins we have committed. Oh we can try and try to not sin, but we are human and not perfect. Also Jesus could never, would never turn his back on us like that. We are his children. He was put on this physical Earth to save us, anything short, well it just would never have happened. We are so lucky he loves us that much. Because we as a whole are so not worthy.

I sit here right now listening to the news talk about the riots in Baltimore. Do white cops screw up and do things to black men (and women) that they shouldn't do? Of course they do, and those men and women should not be in positions of authority. But to riot like this? What does it solve? Absolutely nothing. But it shows how human we are, how so far from perfect we are! I pray that we in America some day wake up and start loving one another. Stop pointing fingers at you did this, well you did this. Well you are black or you are gay or fat or a homophobe or whatever. We only live once and we only have one Earth. We need to work together, not pull each other apart!

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