Sunday, May 10, 2015

Day 40, "My purpose is to give life." - John 10:10

Gods purpose was to give life. Jesus' purpose was to give everlasting life. All he asks us to do is believe in him. He wants us to follow his laws, but he also understands that we are not perfect. He doesn't promise us a great life here on earth, but he does promise an eternal life after our life here on earth ends. I can deal with the not great life, but could I not be faced with problem after problem? Or at least get to that eternal life sooner rather then later? I miss my husband. I'm tired of being both sick and tired all the time. I've been told God still has a purpose for me. I wish I understood what that was. It might make this all more tolerable. I truly just want to do what God wants me to do. But I'm scared, tired, in pain, and just so lonely.

And this finally ends the 40 devotional that I started way more then 40 days ago. It took longer then the 40 days, but I did follow through! I finished it. I have plans for other "projects," they won't (well most likely won't) be daily ones. But series of things I want to discuss. Things that will help me get my feelings out. Writing about them, in theory helps me deal with them. I find this thought funny, because lately I am not dealing with them at all. But if I weren't getting them out how much worse could it be?

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