Tuesday, November 3, 2015

30 day writing challenge

I wanted to start this yesterday on November 1. But I forgot, and now it's technically November 3rd. But whatever, starting it now!

1. 5 problems with social media.

Here's the thing, I love social media. I'm an introvert and this is the best way for me to talk with my friends, without ever leaving my house! Plus I have made so many friends from around the world, that I never would have known had it not been for social media! However there are problems with it, for nothing is perfect!

A) it is impersonal. You never truly know who you are talking to. A great way for people to hurt others because it isn't face to face. You can get a way with a lot you wouldn't in person.

B) People put way to much info out there. I don't need to see their dirty laundry. Some things should be private!

C) I was always taught the two things you don't talk about are religion and politics. Now one one hand I have a much broader understanding of both because of social media. However I have also seen far to many hurtful things said on social media. Once it's out ther, you can't take it back!

D) I found out my father-in-law died on Facebook. Talk about a horrible way to learn that! True when my husband died I did blog about in and posted it on Facebook. But not until after I had made an effort to make sure all family members had been told as soon as it happened. I wa on the phone to his parents and siblings asap. Before I had left the hospital. My family was ther with me, and the ones who weren't were told by my sisters.

E) Social media can and has taken over people's lives. The amount of time people spend on their phones, their tablets, their laptops, etc., people don't seem to be able to go anywhere without their noses stuck in some device. We don't talk anymore. Not on the phone anyway. I remember as a kid talking on the phone to my girls friends for hours. Now it's short little texts back and forth. Even the writing is abbreviated. Children aren't learning social etiquette.

For me those are the five main things wrong with social media. I'm sure others have different things they see as wrong, but that's my list.

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