Sunday, November 15, 2015

Writing challenge day 13.

13) Your commute to/from work or school.

This is a completely boring one. I turn right out of my driveway and go about six blocks. Make a left turn and I'm at work. I love it! I have worked many other jobs throughout my life where I have driven at least a half hour in each direction give or take. Dealing with other traffic and worst yet, snow and ice! True there is still some traffic. And if you live in Indiana you can't completely avoid snow and ice. But this short of a commute makes it a whole lot less stressful!

At some point I want to articulate my thoughts on the violence happening around the world. I just haven't figured out how to say what I am feeling. Just know my thoughts and prayers are with the people in Paris, and every other community that is dealing with these horrors. Living where I do it all feels so distant, so unreal. In that way I am very lucky.

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