Friday, November 20, 2015

Writing challenge day 16.

16) Bullet your day.

- hit alarm numerous times before finally getting up.
- go to the bathroom.
- feed cats and dog.
- decide to have some oatmeal even though I'm not hungry for anything. So I start the tea kettle.
- go lay back down in bed and play on iPad while waiting for water to come to a boil.
- make the oatmeal.
- eat some of the oatmeal, then decide I really really wasn't hungry.
- attempt to tame hair, then get dressed for work.
- take my pills.
- go to work
- get set up at my station then work with customers off and on all day.
- today felt like an off kind of day for me. Nothing happened per say at work. But I think because my body is really hurting everything just felt off. Also this is the first day where it was pretty much just me and all the people who transferred from the other branch. I kind of felt like I wasn't at my job. Know what I mean? I miss my co-workers!
- decided I didn't feel up to cooking anything for dinner. The only thing I seem to be hungry for is turkey/club sandwiches. But they get pricey, so I settled on using a coupon at Arby's.
- came home and ate dinner.
- fed the cats and the dog.
- took a shower
- made some iced tea and filled up the pets water dish.
- took my evening pills.
- then watching tv while playing on the iPad.
- just typed this.

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