Friday, November 20, 2015

Writing challenge day 17

I know I just did day 16 but I am now several days behind so I am going to try and catch up.

17) A quote you try to live by.

Luke 6:31
31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

This is not my favorite bible verse, but this is the one I try to live by. I try to treat people the way I want to be treated. Life isn't fair. I was told that my entire life growing up. But if we all treated each other more fairly then life my just be a little more fair. This quote speaks to me so much right now with everything that is going on in this world. Evil thrives on hate and fear. That has been a fact since the beginning of time. Love and compassion though can stop evil in its tracks! Am I naive enough to think evil can be completely removed from our lives? No, the devil will always find a way to plant his seeds of fear and hate. But if we stay in the light, if we stay the course that God has given us. Then in the end that is all that matters. Jesus died on that cross for my sins, and for your sins. We now have a responsibility to do everything in our power to show gods love to all of hai children, whether they choose to believe in him or not. Love makes the world a lighter place to live in. Fear and hate dooms us all to darkness. This is not the life God wants for his children. Do to others as you would have them do to you! Love thy neighbor, thy Christian neighbor, thy Jewish neighbor, they Muslim neighbor, thy atheist neighbor, thy agnostic neighbor, thy white neighbor, thy black neighbor, thy Hispanic neighbor, thy female neighbor, thy male neighbor, thy liberal neighbor, thy conservative neighbor, and so on and so forth. Show love and compassion, not fear and hate!

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