Friday, November 20, 2015

Writing challenge day 19

19) Five fears that you have.

My biggest fear is dying alone. Not just like no one is there, but that I would have no family or friends with me at the end. Having lost my husband and us never being able to have any children has just made that fear worse

I am afraid of birds, or anything really that flies. That can attack you and you won't even see it coming. They have beaks and claws. It's why I have never watched "The Birds" it would freak me out.

I am very claustrophobic. Mostly in crowds. I feel like I will be crushed by the people. Probably came from something like that happening when I went to a rock concert when I was a teenager.

I am also afraid of being buried alive. I know that is similar to my claustrophobia, but not exactly. And I'm not sure where this fear comes from. But it is something that is always there in the back of my mind.

I guess my other big fear is fear of failure. It's why I don't do things. It's why I keep myself shut in so much. You can't fail if you don't try, so just don't try.

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