Thursday, November 5, 2015

Writing challenge day 4

4. Ten interesting facts about yourself

I'm not sure I can come up with ten, but here we go.

A) I have one eye that is green and the other one is half brown half green. The doctor says this just happens sometimes, the pigment just splits. I've always say that since one sister has brown eyes and the other has green eyes, I'm the split vote and couldn't decide lol!

B)  I moved from Indiana to California to do an internship at The Young and the Restless. And then I stayed for eight years. Working as a production assistant on a prime time show and another day time drama.

C) Wow this is hard. See I'm only at number three and I feel like there is nothing else interesting about me. Okay how about that I seem to make friends easily but I actually am uncomfortable having a lot of friends. I don't trust people because of being burned in the past so I always think anyone who wants to be friends with me only wants something from me.

D) and on that note I struggle with boy/girl relationships. I feel I'm not pretty and not deserving of being with a man. That I'm not good enough for a guy to want me just for who I am.

E) I enjoying writing, but the fear of failing keeps me from actually putting the stories in my he's down on paper, well on computer.

F) This one goes back up with B. While interning at Y&R I was used as an extra for a CBS soap special. They used to do this little episodes where Kristoff St. John (Neil on Y&R) would interview other soap stars. Well he was interviewing Shemar Moore and they wanted to film Shemare coming into the studio and make it look like he had fans waiting outside the studio to get his autograph. There were fans there, but the producers didn't feel like there were enough, so the interns working that day all ended up pretending to be fans wanting his autograph. That would be my 30 seconds of fame!

G) I met my husband while working at Universal Studios Hollywood.

H) WooHoo up to number #8! I would love to move to New Orleans. I feel confident I. That city. The people who live there look at each other differently then anywhere else in the U.S. But I don't want to move away from my mother. I've already done that once, won't do it again.

I) I got to go backstage and meet Kieth Urban in 2007. Amazing experience!

J) I have had many medical problems in the last year. The big ones being that I have chronic Lyme disease and occipital neuralgia. I have not gone a full day without a head since March 30, 2014. So as of this writing one year, seven months and five days with a headache of some type or another. This ranges from just a plain headache, to tension headaches, to migraines, to the occipital neuralgia headaches. It is quite simply unbearable!

Well I don't know if that is what this challenge was looking for, but that's what you are getting!

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