Sunday, February 26, 2017


In the years since my David died there have been many people I know who have passed on. Most of them from my church. Usually elderly, or they had cancer. I'm not saying their deaths mean nothing. I know their friends and family grieve for them. It is never easy to lose someone you love or care about. In the time since David's death there have been three that touched me more the any of the others. When my friend Ann died, it just felt like such a shock to me. She had a lung disease, where your lungs harden making it harder and harder for you to get enough oxygen to breath. She had had a surgery to hopefully give her at least another year of life. She died two days after the surgery. I was devastated! Went to the bathroom at worked and sobbed. That was two years ago, I still miss her. Two weeks ago a classmate of mine died. Suddenly out of the blue, and while on duty. His death made his wife a widow twice now. Twice! At my age, she has lost two husbands. I can't even imagine! I'm still struggling with loosing David! Then on Tuesday we found out one of our customers had died over the weekend. Al was a dirty old man. I don't say it in the negative way. He loved to flirt with each and everyone of us. He could, and did, take anything we said and made it sexual. He could make me blush so much! He made me feel pretty when I never feel pretty. I miss him! I can't believe he won't come into the bank ever again. He will never call me dumpling ever again. I know he is now pain free, and I am oh so grateful for that. But I miss him! I hate death, I hate it with a passion!!

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