Thursday, August 17, 2017

Being morbidly obese....

I've been overweight almost my entire life. I've done diets, taken over the counter diet pills. I lose weight I gain weight. It has been a never ending struggle. It's not that I'm addicted to food, it's that I'm addicted to food that is bad for you. But August 2016 I went to a seminar at the local bariatric center and decided it was time to change my life forever! I started on the path to permanent weight loss. My highest weight was 328, day of seminar it was 317. I was finally able to have surgery on June 20, 2017. My weight that day was 275. Today August 17, 2017, just three days shy of two months post op my weight is 237. Nine more pounds and I will be down 100 pounds from my highest weight ever, 100 pounds!!! But don't let anyone tell you weight loss surgery is the easy way out. It's a tool that forces you to eat better, to eat the proper proportions of food. Giving up bread, pasta, and rice are the really hard ones. Especially bread! I hardly ever kept it at home, but never realized how many sandwiches I got picking up food. Because it's cheaper and easier then healthier options. Between that and drinking pop, it's why I got so big. But easy is no longer an option. I have to think about every single thing I put in my mouth, every single thing! But it will all be worth it in the end!!

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