Monday, September 4, 2017

I enjoy writing......

I just don't always know what to write about. So I'm going to use the writing prompts I've found on Pinterest. They have different ones for each month, and one for each day in those months. Yes I missed the first three days on September, but I'm okay with that lol. Today's prompt was to write about something I want to accomplish this week. Well the easy answer is doing the dishes and the laundry. Of course I need to accomplish those two things all the time. I'm just often lazy and a procrastinator. If the prompt meant something bigger, something I'm not supposed to be doing all the time? I honestly have no clue. Maybe be brave about something? If that's the case I already accomplished it. I'm seeing a new guy. I'm afraid to ask to much of him. Afraid it will push him away. But yet if he wants to be with me, shouldn't he want to meet my family and friends? He did meet my mom yesterday. I got up the courage and asked him if he would go to a party at a friends house. Problem is the party is on a Saturday night and he generally works Saturday night. He said we'll see but he makes no promises. It's better than an outright no. And I did ask him even though I was afraid to do it. So I already accomplished something this week!

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