Wednesday, September 13, 2017

The September prompts...

Didn't work like I planned. Mostly cause I kept forgetting lol! I have depression and anxiety. So I just saw a post on Pinterest with 50 blog ideas for people with depression and anxiety. Seems like it will be a much better topic for me. Especially since I've been struggling with my depression lately. The first thought was to write about a difficult time in my life that I made it through. Well the most difficult thing I've ever lived through was my husband dying. I miss him so much and still blame myself for his death on many levels. It will be eight years next month since he died. Sometimes I still hope I'll wake up and it will be a bad dream or something. But the reality of it hits me in the face almost daily. And I wonder why God felts I needed to go through this. What was I supposed to learn? How was I supposed to change? If I had the answer to these questions it would make life much easier.

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