Saturday, March 14, 2015

Day 5. "And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him." - Luke 2:40

So today was the first day I tried telling myself I could skip a day. But I wouldn't let myself off the hook, not yet anyway!!

"And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him." - Luke 2:40

Lucado talks about how Jesus is the first time we get a glimpse that he knows who he is. That he wonders off from his family and they find him in the Temple. That he is basically drawn to it. But that when his parents find him he goes home with them. To finish growing up and learn the family business. Lucado says this is what we need to do. Teach our families first before venturing out. I think there is more to it than that. Jesus had to know that these people would not listen to a mere child.  That he had to grow up, he had to learn more. Not about God, but about life, in order for people to want to listen to him. For people to want to follow him. He had to become the man who would set us free, to have the disciples he had. Do I think we should begin teaching our faith at home?

Of course I do. I say I was raised Lutheran, but really got no knowledge of my faith from inside my own home. We didn't do devotions, when we did it as a family we prayed. Bit it was just the common table prayer, nothing special, nothing that would help shape my faith. I was a Lutheran because it was expected of me. I went to a Lutheran grade school. I attended church and Sunday school every Sunday, not because I wanted to but because it was what I as a child. I was confirmed, because it was what we did. I didn't put any real thought into it. When I moved to California I did start paying more attention to other religions. Then after David died I had a real crisis of faith. Did not believe in God or prayer or anything of the sort. After much banging of heads I came back around and I do believe my faith is stronger then ever. I am Lutheran now because I feel it is the right thing for me, it is the right faith for me. I am not the best example of a Christian, do not look to me on how to act or practice your faith. I am a sinner, I am jealous and bitter and I gossip and all sorts of other things. I am a work in progress and will be until the day I die. There are far better examples of Christians to look up to.

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