Sunday, March 15, 2015

Day Six. "He's just a carpenter." - Mark 6:3

So here are some things we know about Jesus. He was raised to be a carpenter like his earthly father Joseph. But Joseph doesn't really appear to much in the Bible after around the age of 12 for Jesus. Did he die? Did something happen to take him away from his family? Sounds like from Jesus' teenage years and beyond he and his siblings were raised by only their mother. They didn't have the dual parent home so many seem to think is the be all end all. They were raised by their mother. Jesus as the oldest probably took over the role as the male lead in the family. He didn't come from a rich family, but they also weren't the poorest people for that matter. They were just your average middle class family living their lives. This is the man who would save us from the sins of the world. I think it says so much more that he came from this type of family. He understood struggles that a rich person wouldn't understand. I'm not saying rich people can't understand poor peoples problems, but I think after time they forget what it's like. The worry about if something goes wrong and suddenly you go from middle class to lower class in a blink of an eye. It's a struggle a lot of people in this would understand today more then ever.
So today was Sunday so church. The sermon was good, but for me sermons go one of three ways. I leave feeling no different then when I came in. I leave feeling better then when I came in. Or I leave if not feeling worse then questioning things even more then when I came in. On Wednesday it felt like God was talking to me. Today I know I should have felt like God was talking to me. That God loves me and cares about me. There is a part of me that hears that, that wants to believe that. Then there is the weak side of me that says there is no way God gives one fig about someone like me. That he has far more important people to worry about, to care about. I am nothing and no one. It's a struggle, one I wish I didn't have and one I fear I will have for the rest of my life. I wish I could believe I was loveable, but I'm not and for me that is a fact of life.

One of the Bible verses in church today was John 3:16 and I did take the picture of my Sunday school door window that I talked about on an earlier date.

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