Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Day two! "And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn." - Luke 2:17

I want to start off by saying Luke is one of my favorite books of the bible. Actually I like all of the gospels. And I say one of my favorites but my absolute favorite is the book of Ruth! But that is another discussion.
Today we talk about the devotional I just read. Lucado talks about the morning after the birth of Jesus. How Joseph had to be exhausted but Mary, well Mary was so full of love for her child that she probably couldn't take her eyes off of him. How she must have been in awe that this baby would some day lead as, would give us all of the hope and love that God wanted us to have. How overwhelmed she must have felt! There is a song that Amy Grant sings that really hits home for me when I think about Mary and everything she went through.

You can listen to here sing it here:

Such a beautiful song! And says so much about what Mary would have been thinking and feeling. I can't even imagine being a teenager growing up in that time and giving birth to a baby that you knew would one day save us all.

I had intended to post a section of a Psalm from my church service tonight but I left my program in my mothers car. So I will put that in tomorrow's post. It's something that really spoke to me and something I feel like I need to talk about.

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