Monday, May 18, 2015

"I can't tell if it's killing me, or making me stronger." Quote from Facebook meme

Still feeling just so overwhelmed by life! Cardiologist appt. on June 4th, until then just waiting. Dealing with allergies and/or another upper respiratory infection. Get tired just doing simple things. Have to save my energy for the days I work.

So last time I started posting about the article about sensitive people. Here is #2 from the list.

2. Not all of us are introverts. Introversion does not equal sensitivity. In fact, according to Aron's research, approximately 30 percent of highly sensitive people are extroverts.

It's true, and I am actually kind of a mix of the two. I like being around people, but I also like being left alone. Thing is, I want it on my terms. When I want to be around people, I do it. I make the effort. When I want to alone I don't always come out and say it, but if I REALLY want to be alone I do it. However I do not like being left out. The "oh she doesn't want to do it." Or the "oh she can't do it." How about you ask me and let me decide what I can or can't do, or what I want to do or not?

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