Sunday, November 22, 2015

Writing challenge day 21

21) Your zodiac/horoscope and whether you think it fits you.

My sign is Pisces.

If you go to Wikipedia you can read a full description of what Pisces is considered to be. I am going to post just part of the description.

Western astrologers assert that Pisceans are perceptive, emotional,[39][68] and receptive.[69][69] Notorious for being highly sensitive,[70][60][71] they are also said to be desperately afraid of ridicule,[70] as the sign is deemed "unfortunate."[60][72][37] Pisces are a mutable sign, which makes them receptive, and susceptible to change.[44][73] As a bicorporeal sign, astrologists believe that events in Pisceans' lives are prominently repeated, suggesting that they may marry several times and that misfortunes never come singly. However, according to astrologer Max Heindel, the Piscean's "good fortune also comes in multiple."[67]

The parts about being highly sensitive and desperately afraid of ridicule is so spot on for me. I feel everything, way to much, all the time. I am so afraid of ridicule, it's why even when I know I'm right I often don't say anything, for fear of really being wrong and then being made fun of. It's why when I was in school I hated answering questions in class. It's why even at work I shy away from anything that could make me look bad.

So for the most part I do feel I fit with my sign. I don't necessarily believe in daily horoscopes. Things can change in a blink of an eye.

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