Monday, November 23, 2015

Writing challenge day 22

22) your morning routine.

I am not a morning person! I do not wake up easily and it takes hours for me to even feel awake. When my alarm goes off I hit the snooze button repeatedly. I need that time to come out of sleep. Once I'm up the bathroom is my first stop. After that I feed the dog and then the cats if they ate all their food from the night before. I check their water dish also. Then I have to decide if I'm hungry and if I am what do I want. Sometimes I just go back and lay in bed watching tv and/or playing on my iPad. If I'm hungry I make whatever and then watch tv while eating. About a half hour before I need to be to work I start getting dressed. Though if I am just putting my hair up I can wait another ten minutes to start getting ready. That is pretty much my morning routine.

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