Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Writing challenge day 23

23) A family member you dislike.

This one just feels mean. I feel like I shouldn't talk about a family member I don't like. It just feels rude. It doesn't mean there aren't family members I'm not close to, it just feels wrong to dislike a member of your family. So I am going to just write about a family member I'm not close to. And actually there are several and while I would like to think it's their fault we aren't close. It really isn't anyone's fault. You don't pick your family, you pick your friends. So there are just several that while I wish we were close, we just aren't. I don't know if it's our personalities, or just the lives we lead. But we just aren't close. Yet there are other family members that I am extremely close to. So I guess it all is the way it's supposed to be in the end. God knows what he is doing!

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