Thursday, November 26, 2015

Writing challenge day 24.

24) Something you miss.

If it were someone I miss then that would be my David. But it's something. Well it's still going to tie into my David. I miss living in California. Not all of, but some very specific parts. I miss being able to go to Disney land any time we wanted. We had annual passes the last few years we lived there. It was great!

I miss being able to go up to Big Bear. We only went a few times but it was one of my favorite places in California. It reminded me of where I am from. Very similar really to Nashville, IN now that I really think about it. Also a very romantic place to spend a weekend!

I miss going to the Rennissaince (sp?) fair. We went every year. The last one even in costumes that I made. I just love that kind of stuff. Going back in time. So much fun and so glad we discovered it!

Finally I miss Santa Monica. It's the other place we would go when we were bored. It's where we went on our first date. We could sit on the pier for hours. Just talking and watching the guys fishing. Never did see any of them catch anything. But when they would shine their flashlights on the water we could see some rather large fishes swimming around. I love the water and would have loved to be able to afford a place right on the beach!

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