Sunday, November 8, 2015

Writing challenge day 6

6) Someone who fascinates you, and why?

I would say it isn't just one person but an entire family. The Kennedy's have always fascinated me. I was born after both President Kennedy and his brother Bobby were assassinated. That alone made them fascinated. For not one but two brothers who were very high up in their political party to be killed is unheard of! Then add in everything about their brothers and sisters. Plus then my generation of Kennedy children. If America had a royal family, to me it was the Kennedy's. They were raised so different then anything I could comprehend. They wanted to make a difference in other people's lives. To leave a positive impact on this world.

And then there was the flip side. The scandals. All the things they did wrong. With a family that size it would be impossible for none of the bad to happen. And it should just how human they were. And while I would say my generation isn't nearly as well known. They are still there. They are still carrying on the family legacy. It's something I admired and respect. It can't be easy to be a Kennedy child, yet by and large they still try and do right by who they are and the family they are part of.

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