Monday, November 9, 2015

Writing challenge day 7

7) What tattoos you have and if they have meaning.

I currently have three tattoos. The first one I got while living in California and was homesick. It was during March Madness. It's a basketball hoop with a basketball going through it, with Indiana written at the top of it.

The second one was a gift from my husband for my birthday. It's Keith Urbans logos, a monkey holding a guitar over its head. The third one I got a couple of years ago down in New Orleans. I told the artist what I wanted and he drew up a design. It's a cross with a sunflower on it. Then it says Jeremiah 29:11 over the top of it. That is my favorite bible verse. It helped get me through a lot of days since my husband died.

I want to get another tattoo, well actually several more. I want a Chicago Cubs one, an Eeyoe one, and then something to do with my Lyme disease.

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